Yosemite Creek Daylighting
San Francisco, CA

Project Description
The Yosemite Creek Daylighting project is located at the north side of John McLaren Park, one of the largest San Francisco parks. Many years ago, the park land was home for the indigenous Ohlone people. BASE Landscape Architecture is working in a team with hydrologists and civil engineers on bringing up the forgotten song of the Yosemite creek.
The Yosemite Creek flows downhill mostly through underground culverts. Because the city’s Yosemite basin watershed becomes overloaded during heavy rains, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission proposed to daylight portions of the creek and in that way to reduce flooding. The Upper Yosemite Creek Daylighting consists of daylighting approximately 2,100 linear feet of Yosemite Creek between Bacon/Oxford Streets and Wayland/University Streets to convey stormwater adjacent to and through McLaren Park before returning to the sewer system.
Overflow from nearby McNab Lake will be filtered and directed into a subsurface storage system under the Louis Sutter soccer field. Water collected in the storage system will be recirculated through the creek in the winter to promote infiltration and used for irrigation during the dry season.
Three inline bioretention basins will capture and infiltrate stormwater while creating natural habitat space for native plant species. The proposed plant species represent different Bay area plant communities. These plant species are going to provide habitat and shelter and will be a food source for pollinator species such as hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies.
Some of the project goals are:
To increase habitat and biodiversity
To create educational opportunities
To make community amenity
And to provide stormwater management
Construction to start in 2024.
Link to presentation of studies for BIM:
client. San Francisco Public Utilities Commission and Recreation and Park Department
team. BASE Landscape Architecture
Brown and Caldwell
CBEC, Inc. Eco Engineering
San Francisco Public Works
SBCA Tree Consulting, Inc.
year completed. Ongoing​
scope. CD